Friday, May 20, 2011

Not so RaNdOm...

James and I were going for an evening walk with Jack around the neighborhood a few nights ago. Since weeks had gone by since either of us had spoken to each other about our decision for Jack's leg...we began talking. (I have always wondered if Jack could really understand what we are saying, because he seems to understand more than we i feel guilty talking about him, the decision and my fears when he's around.)  None the less, we were in deep conversation when, out of nowhere a man wearing a prosthetic leg came flying past us riding his bike.  "Did you just see that?" I said to James, as we both slowed up our walking pace.   I have walked the 2.5 mile loop millions of times in our subdivision, at all hours of the day and NEVER I have I seen this man.  Part of me wanted to run and chase him down...but, as fast has he came, he was gone. 

God has some timing.  He also has a great sense of humor.  It was as if he was saying to us "Stop all this nonsense talking - Jack will be fine, trust ME."

Thanks Nike for sharing this inspirational moment:

1 comment:

  1. Jack is seriously adorable! My dd had her little foot amputated at 2yrs. and is doing wonderfully with her prosthetis. We went with Shriners' in Shreveport and they were wonderful with her and us. You can see her at and scroll down a few pages to see in the hospital.
