Proverbs 20:24 :
" A Man's steps are directed by the LORD - How then can anyone understand his OWN way?"
A few months back, Jack's blood was obtained to look at a detailed view of his chromosomes (called a microarray analysis). Essentially each chromosome (46) are looked at under a microscope for duplications or deletions. This process took a few moths of machine and hand counting (can you imagine!?!). The results revealed a duplication on jack's chromosome 4p15.32. Thanks to the Human Genome Project we have a lot of information available to us! However, some of the data that was collected regarding each gene - is not particularly specific enough.
In order to attempt to understand the clinical significance of the duplication, blood was obtained from James and I a few months ago- to see if we carried this duplication or not. It would only be clinically significant IF neither James or I had this duplication... thus meaning the duplication could have significance in explaning or contributing to Jack's Limb abnormalities.
The result: James' tests were normal. My test reveled the exact duplication of chromosome 4p15.32. Therefore the geneticist feels that since I am unaffected (no limb anomalies) that this finding is not likely to be the cause for jack's features, thus not identifying a genetic cause.
So, we may close the book for now on this chapter of exploration into Why? this occurred for Jack. This leads me back to the Soverighty and perfect plan the heavnely Father created for Jack. How wonderful it is that the control is out of my hands, but in Lords! I find through every day...trying to understand God's perfect plan is SO much more difficult than trying to embrace it. But, as I am leaning on HIM to give me strength to embrace it - I have Peace!
Remember what David wrote in his 139th Pslam :
" For you created my inmost being, you knit me together in my mothers womb. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in that secret place. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be!"
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